a site for experimental film and animation by
Notes on picking dandelions; Observations on archiving the intangible
Field notes from m'lks time in St. John's for an Eastern Edge residency. They are reflections on m'lks art practice which they have framed as an exploration of archiving intangible everyday cultures in various sites. In this case St. John's, Newfoundland
The Water Street Jellyfish
A woven mat that m'lk made turned into a Jellyfish that inhabits the North Atlantic shores of a future Newfoundland. This video follows this jelly and records what its every day rituals might be.
The procession of a Dandelion and Fishcake bagel diptych
A diptych of the life cycle of a dandelion from flower to seedhead alongside the making of a fishcake and poutine bagel sandwich. As an observation of m'lks experience of the intangible in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.